Applicant’s information
I authorise Online Business Registration Pty Ltd trading as Renew your Business Name to lodge the Business Name Renewal and make all the necessary declarations to ASIC on behalf of me. I accept the Online Business Registration Pty Ltd Terms and Conditions.
I declare that I am the applicant (the proposed business name holder) or I am lodging this application on behalf of the applicant (the proposed business name holder) and am authorised to 1) submit this application for lodgment on behalf of the applicant under the terms and conditions of the ASIC Electronic Lodgment Protocol; and 2) make each of the following declarations on behalf of the applicant after making all due and proper enquiries. (See who may be authorised to lodge an application to renew a business name for more information.)
I am not disqualified from managing corporations under section 206B(1) of the Corporations Act 2001; and within the last 5 years I have not been convicted of, or released from prison after being convicted of, and serving a term of imprisonment for, any of the criminal offences referred to in section 32(1) (c) or (d) of the Business Names Registration Act 2011.
This application is submitted under, and is compliant with, the terms and conditions of the ASIC Electronic Lodgment Protocol. To the best of my knowledge, the information supplied in this application is complete and accurate (it is an offence to provide false or misleading information to ASIC). ASIC may contact the applicant or the lodging party (if any) if there are any questions regarding this application for renewal of a business name.
Disclaimer and Collection Notice
We collect personal information about you in order to process your payment, and provide you with our business name renewal service and for purposes otherwise set out in our Privacy Policy. To obtain further information, you can contact us at
This business name renewal service is provided by Online Business Registration Pty Ltd.
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